Do you have koi already, or are you planning on getting some soon?

Do you have koi already, or are you planning on getting some soon?

If the answer is Yes then you need to read this!

  KOI FISH CARE, read on.

Caring for koi fish can be a rewarding experience! They are relatively hardy, but they do require attention to their environment, diet, and overall well-being. Here are some essential tips for keeping your koi fish healthy and happy:


1. Pond Size

  • Space is crucial. Koi can grow quite large, up to 36 inches or more, so a spacious pond is essential. A general rule of thumb is to provide at least 1,000 litres of water for every 4-5 adult koi
  • Ensure the pond has depth, at least 3 feet deep to provide a safe place for koi to retreat during colder weather or when predators are around.

2. Water Quality

  • Filtration: Koi produce a lot of waste, so a good filtration system is key to maintaining clean water. A high-quality filter will help with the removal of debris and harmful toxins like ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.
  • Water Testing: Regularly test your water’s pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Koi thrive in a pH range of 7.5 to 7.8, and ammonia/nitrite levels should be 0.
  • Water Changes: Regular water changes (about 10-20% per week) will help maintain optimal water quality.
  • Dechlorinate: Always dechlorinate your tap water before adding it to the pond, as chlorine is harmful to koi.


3. Feeding

  • Balanced Diet: Koi are omnivores, so provide a mix of high-quality koi pellets (preferably one that floats for easy consumption) and occasional treats like earthworms, krill, or fruits.
  • Seasonal Feeding: In warmer months (spring through Summer), feed them 2-3 times a day. In colder months, reduce feeding to once every few days or stop completely if the water temperature falls below (10°C) since their metabolism slows down, Swap to full wheatgerm sticks once a day.
  • Don’t Overfeed: Koi are notorious for eating a lot, but it’s essential not to overfeed. Excess food will degrade water quality, so only feed as much as they can consume in about 3-5 minutes.

4. Temperature Control

  • Koi are cold-water fish, Australia's climate is perfect for fish, the bigger the pond the more stable the water temperature.
  • In Summer on very hot days provide shade at one end of the pond with plants in the pond or a temporary structure. Add extra water movement to cool the water.
  • There is no need for heaters in the water in winter unless you are in an area when the water could freeze, in Australia thats very unlikely in most area's.


5. Preventing Disease

  • Observe Your Koi: Keep an eye on your koi for any signs of distress or disease, such as unusual swimming behavior, white spots, discoloration, or rapid gill movement. If you spot any of these symptoms, consult a veterinarian or koi expert.
  • Good Pond Hygiene: Remove any decaying leaves, algae, or debris from the pond regularly. These can contribute to poor water quality and harbor harmful bacteria.
  • Feed a floating fish food pellet so you can check you koi for any signs of disease when they come to the surface.

6. Predator Protection

  • Predator-proofing your pond is important. Birds like herons, cormorants are common koi predators in Australia. Consider using netting or installing a protective cover. A deep pond with lots of hiding spaces is helpful as well.


7. Pond Landscaping

  • Koi love a pond with places to hide, so consider adding empty pots, plants or logs  where your koi can swim around or seek shelter.
  • Plants can also help improve water quality by providing shade and oxygen, but be mindful of plant toxins that could harm the koi.

8. Water Aeration

  • Proper oxygenation is key for koi health, especially in a heavily stocked pond. Make sure there’s enough surface agitation from a pump or waterfall to help with oxygen exchange.


9. Handling Koi

  • Koi are sensitive to stress, so avoid handling them unless absolutely necessary. If you need to move or examine a koi, wet your hands before touching them to prevent damaging their slime coat.
  • If you're trying to move koi to a new pond, use a Sock fish net and do so carefully to avoid injury.

10. Breeding (Optional)

  • If you’re interested in breeding your koi, ensure you have a separate breeding tank or pond, as the adults may eat the eggs. Koi typically breed in late spring to early summer.

By maintaining a clean, spacious environment, providing a balanced diet, and monitoring their health, your koi can live for many years and become a beautiful, thriving part of your outdoor space!

Windsor fish hatchery