The stick floats and softens in water, making it an ideal food source for fish of all sizes.
Mix in now with the current fish food you are feeding increasing how much you add every day until you are only feeding wheatgerm throughout winter start in March.
Fresh Made Weekly wheatgerm sticks are a better choice than protein-based foods during the colder months
Wheatgerm Sticks fill your fish up and offer them all the essential nutrients they need in the cooler months ahead.
- The stick floats and softens in water, making it an ideal food source for fish of all sizes.
- Excellent high digestible fibre content, wheatgerm sticks are an excellent staple meal for fish.
- You can feed Wheatgerm sticks to all your fish year round, We recommend feeding wheatgerm in the colder months to prevent problems with improper digestion.
- Food digestion is most efficient during the hottest part of the day for koi and goldfish, whose metabolisms drop dramatically in cooler water. Feed in the morning.
- Reduce feeding by half during the winter and avoid feeding your fish in the early evening to ensure your koi have all day to digest their food. I haven't met a fish yet that doesn't like wheatgerm!
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